
Remove Pesticides From Fruits & Veg With Vinegar



A very wise lady once told me how to remove a good amount of pesticides and the likes using vinegar. If I remember correctly, she suggested white wine vinegar. White wine vinegar has an acetic % of 6. Almost all other vinegars I looked at had 5%. Either way, you can make a solution of 1 part vinegar, 4 parts water… let your fruits and veggies soak for 30 mins to 1 hour to remove a lot of the pesticides.

I usually don’t do this to be honest, but I am doing this cleanse and am trying my best, and pulling out all the stops.

There are many different methods to go about doing this. I decided to go with this one 🙂

Some people suggest baking soda and lemon juice as other items you can add, which may assist in the removal of the toxins found on our foods.

Keep clean!

Tandoori Egg Stir Fry – Rant about Food Styles



  • Brown Rice
  • Eggs
  • Onions, Broccoli, Snow Peas, Parsley
  • Home Made Tandoori Spiced Mixed Nuts using Coconut Oil
  • Organic “Citrus Infused” Soy Sauce
  • Himalayan Mountain Salt/Black pepper

Almost anytime I’ve eaten a stir fry, there are BIG CHUNKS of vegetables…yuck. It’s hard enough getting all the veggies we need everyday, why does everyone serve these big, clunky pieces of vegetables. Not to mention that the average person barely chews their food to begin with. And these are just vegetables we’re talking about, let alone the big pieces of hard to chew meat, which is another story together.

Cutting your vegetables into very small pieces makes for a much easier to eat, enjoyable experience. It also aids in digestion. Think about it. Chewing our food is a major, integral part of digestion. Many health professionals stress the importance on properly chewing our foods, so why not make it as easy on our body as possible?

“Chewing too quickly allows large particles of food to enter your stomach and intestines, potentially causing digestive problemsChewing your food thoroughly allows you to absorb more nutrients from your food, helps you maintain a healthy weight, allows for easier digestion, and leads to fewer digestive issues like gas and bloating”. Dr. Mercola

I also love the unified flavour this technique allows. I feel many people don’t eat a lot of veggies because compared to new aged, food-like substances, they just don’t taste that amazing. Now our bodies are so used to intense flavoured sweets, sodas and snacks, plain old broccoli doesn’t really stand a chance (at least when taste is concerned).

Most people have to try really hard to get the life-promoting qualities that only vegetables and dark leafy greens can offer.

So why not make it easier?

This style of cooking allows you to add more vegetables in your diet and not even really know it.

It’s fast.

It’s easy

(taking into consideration your fridge should have several pieces of tupperware with finely chopped vegetables and greens- it’s all about preparation)

It’s convenient.

It’s healthy.

And then of course, this is just my opinion. Some people love big chunks of pepper in their salad or stir fry. However, if you’re someone who is trying to live a healthier lifestyle, is trying to be as efficient in the process as possible, who would like to prepare quick, nutritious meals, I invite you to try this method of cooking/eating.

“Progress isn’t made by early risers. It’s made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something.”― Robert A. Heinlein

Homemade Cereal Recipe- Natures Vector



  • Daryl’s All natural fresh granola
  • Sprouted grain cereal from “ezekiel”
  • Mango Infused Dried cranberries
  • Raisins
  • Chia seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Raw cacao nibs
  • Almond or Flax or Hemp Milk ( I enjoy vanilla)
  • Stevia – optional for extra sweetness

Give or take, all ingredients are equal in amount. You can adjust based on your preference. You may not be able to find “Daryls All Natural Granola” so you can substitute with any other SOFT granola.

Overall a great alternative to buying the additive filled, preservative rich, non nutritious cereals brought to you by Kellogg’s, Quaker and the likes.

Take charge of your health using this simply prepared and highly nutritional meal.

Thank you and I offer you the best in health.

(raw chocolate)Out of all the whole foods that contain antioxidants, raw chocolate is the highest in the world. It dwarfs the popular foods and beverages commonly touted as being antioxidant rich foods such as red wine, green tea and blueberries by a factor of 10x or more!
The phytochemical analysis of cacao beans reveal that raw chocolate is perhaps the most chemically complex food on Earth.
Cacao is the highest whole food source of magnesium, which also happens to be the most deficient mineral in the diet of modern cultures.
The dark chocolate antioxidants have been clinically proven to literally dissolve plaque built up in the arteries which helps in reversing heart disease and causes naturally lower blood pressure. Also, various other vitamins and minerals in raw cacao benefits the cardiovascular system.
When inside your body, the seeds help you stay hydrated longer, and retain electrolytes in your bodily fluids.After eating, the nutrients travel to the cells very quickly due to the ease in digestion and assimilation. Use them when you want to build or regenerate healthy body tissue.Unlike some seeds, the flavor is very mild. The mild taste makes it easy to put in sauces, smoothies, breads, puddings, and whatever you want. They won’t really change the taste, but will add to your nutrition!

Yes, the seeds will help you lose weight, for two reasons. The first reason is that they are so filling that you will eat less of other foods. The second reason is that they actually bulk up and cleanse your body of old “junk” in your intestines.

Chia seeds help stabilize blood sugar and reduce cravings for junk food.

Stylish French Toast with Honey Onions and Agave Syrup


One of the most original and unique dishes I’ve ever come up with, this funky rendition of french toast is one of a kind.


  • Whole Wheat Tortilla Wrap
  • 2 Eggs (beaten)
  • White Onions, Kale, Green Onions (small dice)
  • Raw Honey
  • Maple Agave Nectar
  • Coconut Oil
  • Vanilla Extract, Cinnamon, Raw Sugar
  • Almond Milk (vanilla)

Cooking Method

  1. Cut tortilla wrap into thumb-size diamonds
  2. Beat Eggs- add vanilla, cinnamon, almond milk, raw sugar
  3. Dice veggies
  4. Heat 2 pans
  5. 1st pan – medium heat, add coconut oil, sweat onions 1-2 minutes, add rest of veggies, add touch of honey, mix. keep on low heat.
  6. 2nd pan- medium heat, coat with coconut oil. Dip tortilla diamonds into egg mix, lay evenly on pan. SIZZLE.
  7. Repeat till all diamonds are cooked, trying to cook them as even as possible.
  8. Put crispy diamonds into bowl, shake and pour over agave nectar. Dash with cinnamon while shaking.
  9. Place on plate, top with onions and veggies mix


Prioritize Your Time w/ a Visual Daily Organizer


So I’m at my desk here, organizing my new routine. I am taking on a few new paths in life and thus need to organize my days a bit differently. So, I came up with this…

It’s a visual representation showing the hours of your day, and what you’re doing within those hours. Colours are used to distinguish each task you have per day. You can visually see, with colours, and percentages, what the heck you’re actually doing.

So, I started off with saying that I wanted to spend 25% of my waking day, working on completing an online English course. Another 25% working on my business, 20% for social/personal/family, and so on and so on. I have prioritized, my priorities 😉 using percentages, and given myself a visual of how I would like my day to go, based on those percentages.

This system is great for getting a visual of where/how your time is being spent. if 33% of your chart is spent playing video games, and your goal is to open a business, you may want to cut your pie another way. For some people, it isn’t till they see, with their own eyes, down on paper, that they need to make a change for a better, more fulfilling life.

Sweet Salmon Stir fry


If you haven’t noticed already, many of my dishes share the same style. And whadda ya know, this one isn’t any different.


  • Salmon (I used can, tisk tisk. Try to acquire freshest possible)
  • Brown Rice
  • Brocolli, Red Cabbage, Snow Peas, Garlic, Parsley
  • Organic Citrus Infused Soy Sauce + Pad Thai Sauce (the red kind) + Water

Cooking Method

  1. Toss everything into a pan and heat 🙂 (Considering your rice was already waiting for you in the fridge, which hopefully it is)

Easy, nutritious, flavourful meal. Did you expect anything less?