Tactics: Having A Great Day

Primal Yelling Therapy For Stress Relief & Overall Awesome Feeling

Many benefits to Primal Yelling Therapy. I will make a detailed video of the benefits I personally experience…once I experience them haha 🙂

I trust my intuition. I believe this is a golden lifestyle habit. I fully endorse it and highly suggest trying it.

At its core, primal yelling therapy is used to treat early hood trauma. Also great for resetting your energy, and releasing all the negative energy you may be harbouring.

Love Hormone ‘Oxytocin’ – Benefits of a Hug



Though often referred to as the “trust hormone” oxytocin is increasingly being seen as a brain chemical that does a lot more than just bring couples closer together.

New research is suggesting that oxytocin plays a crucial part in enabling us to not just forge and strengthen our social relations, but in helping us to stave off a number of psychological and physiological problems as well. But more conceptually, oxytocin is proving to be a crucial ingredient to what makes us human. Here are ten reasons why oxytocin is simply the most incredible molecule on the planet:
One of the neat things about oxytocin is that you can get your fix anywhere and at any time. All you need to do is simply hug someone or shake their hand. The simple act of bodily contact will cause your brain to release low levels of oxytocin — both in yourself and in the person you’re touching. It’s a near-instantaneous way to establish trust. And the good news is that the effect lingers afterward. There’s even evidence that simply gazing at someone will do the trick — or even just thinking about them. And you shouldn’t feel limited by the human species; it also helps to hug and play with your pets. And for those who can’t produce enough oxytocin on their own, or who feel they could use a boost, the molecule can be easily synthesized and administered as a drug.

Often referred to as the “love molecule”, oxytocin is typically associated with helping couples establish a greater sense of intimacy and attachment. Oxytocin, along with dopamine and norepinephrine, are believed to be highly critical in human pair-bonding. But not only that, it also increases the desire for couples to gaze at one another, it creates sexual arousal, and it helps males maintain their erections. When you’re sexually aroused or excited, oxytocin levels increase in your brain significantly — a primary factor for bringing about an orgasm. And during the orgasm itself, the brain is flooded with oxytocin — a possible explanation for why (some) couples like to cuddle after.

For more tips on living healthy naturally


18 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently

Creativity works in mysterious and often paradoxical ways. Creative thinking is a stable, defining characteristic in some personalities, but it may also change based on situation and context. Inspiration and ideas often arise seemingly out of nowhere and then fail to show up when we most need them, and creative thinking requires complex cognition yet is completely distinct from the thinking process.

Neuroscience paints a complicated picture of creativity. As scientists now understand it, creativity is far more complex than the right-left brain distinction would have us think (the theory being that left brain = rational and analytical, right brain = creative and emotional). In fact, creativity is thought to involve a number of cognitive processes, neural pathways and emotions, and we still don’t have the full picture of how the imaginative mind works.


And psychologically speaking, creative personality types are difficult to pin down, largely because they’re complex, paradoxical and tend to avoid habit or routine. And it’s not just a stereotype of the “tortured artist” — artists really may be more complicated people. Research suggests that creativity involves the coming together of a multitude of traits, behaviours and social influences in a single person.

“It’s actually hard for creative people to know themselves because the creative self is more complex than the non-creative self,” Scott Barry Kaufman, a psychologist at New York University who has spent years researching creativity, told The Huffington Post. “The things that stand out the most are the paradoxes of the creative self … Imaginative people have messier minds.”

While there’s no “typical” creative type, there are some tell-tale characteristics and behaviours of highly creative people. Here are 18 things they do differently.


Be More Successful and Productive Using This Secret – Vision Board


So back on the topic of the mind, and it’s power and influence, to live a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life.

What do you want out of life? Where would you like to travel? What are some of your favourite inspirational quotes? Are you trying to manifest your goals and dreams? If these are things you have thought about, are thinking about, or would like to start thinking about, then creating your own vision board could really help out.

Your dreams, aspirations and goals can be looked at like a seed. Seeds need to be watered, they need energy and care, and certain conditions to grow. Given these things, the seed has no option but to grow. Our goals and dreams can be looked at in the same way. When we put energy into the things we want, the things we want will grow. Simple as that. Having a vision board is a great way, a visual way, to start putting energy into the things you want out of life.

It’s easy to get side tracked with the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Having a vision board that is roughly 3ft by 3ft, serves as a constant reminder of what you want out of life. I find that incorporating my vision board into my morning meditation really keeps me on track in regards to my goals.

Remember, our thoughts are physical. They have influence and power. They are messages that are sent into the Universe…and guess what, the Universe has a response. Thinking about the things you want to attract in life may seem like a small piece of the puzzle, but as small as it may seem, it is wise not to underestimate its potential.

I invite anyone looking to live an organized, focused, goal-oriented life to try this unique method of manifesting their dreams into reality.

Tactic #37- Jump Around in the Morning to Kick Start Your Day and Body


Tactic # 37 – Jump Around in the Morning to Kick Start Your Day and Body

Every morning when I get out of bed, my bare feet touch a cold, tiled floor and I feel a tingly sensation as I stand up. I can feel my body “coming alive”. I can feel a surge of electricity running up my calf. However, this morning awakening is a dull and faded comparison to jumping around.

Amongst your normal routine of waking up, consider taking a minute to jump around, literally.

Try different movements/exercises that will increase your blood flow and get your heart going. Jump around for 10 seconds, then carry on what your doing. Maybe do a jumping jacks ups or pushups, then carry on what you’re doing? You can break up these small exercises, or you can choose to do a quick 5 minute wake up exercise session.

The most successful people in the world have a lot in common, and one of those things is that they consistently wake up early and exercise for about an hour.

Exercising supplies the brain and rest of body with clean, fresh, oxygenated blood which promotes creativity, productiveness and an overall sense of well-being.

If you are not exercising in the morning as of now, or at all, for whatever reason, that’s totally fine, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get your blood flowing before you tackle the day.

In the morning before you leave the house, try jumping or dancing around for even just 30 seconds. Supply your body and brain with the tools it needs to feel great, look great and be happy.

There are nerves/receptors in your feet that trigger certain good feeling endorphines, and can leave you feeling happy.

Whatever you choose to do, just know that even just 30 seconds of dancing/jumping around can kick-start your body, which can be very important in this world of office jobs and computers.